The Geo Pomona Waste Management Private Limited team led by our Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Dilesh Nguwaya have met high-profile Madagascan Government Ministers as we seek opportunities to collaborate on waste management and sustainable development. 

 Our team is in Madagascar at the invitation of President Andry Rajoelina for a week-long visit to share expertise in waste management. 

Over the past few days, we have met with Magadascar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mrs Rasata Rafaravavitfika, Minister of Environment Max Andonirina Fontaine, and Water Minister Andrianamelasoa Lalaina. 

This has opened crucial talks for meaningful partnerships in sustainable waste management solutions in Madagascar. 

Our team has also visited a dumpsite in Madagascar together with officials from that country’s Government as we explore innovative ways to solve key environmental issues. 

It is critical to keep a safe environment for posterity. 

Dr Nguwaya has said the company was ready to partner other regional governments in providing sustainable waste management systems. 

Our visit to Madagascar comes after His Excellency President Rajoelina and other Southern African Development Communities (SADC) Heads of State toured our site in Pomona, Harare. 

 Madagascar is looking at replicating our innovative waste management system which has transformed how to make the environment better using new technologies. 

Madagascar is learning from our expertise and experience in waste management with an aim of enriching discussions and consider future collaborations.

Our team has guaranteed expertise for the greener future and capabilities to make the sustainable ecological transformative drive a trademark in the SADC region.

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